Wednesday, February 16, 2011

No Giant Billboards in Denville

THE PROBLEM - NJ Transit wants to build a billboard along Route 80 in Denville. It is currently proposed to be about 73 feet high and 42 feet wide. It will only be one-sided on the East bound side but visible to West bound traffic. It may eventually be converted to an LED sign featuring rotating digital pictures.

WHERE WILL IT BE? - On the East bound side of Route 80 but facing West bound right along the curve towards Parsippany in Denville. It is near Luger Road and Anthony & Son's Bakery off the highway. (see map below)

WHY CAN'T DENVILLE STOP IT?- We have to try. The Mayor, Planning Board and Township Council are helpless. While NJ Transit has listened to our concerns and have adapted the sign considerably, the governing bodies appear to be unanimously opposed to it at any height and size, myself especially. It does not fit with the character of our town. Legally the state has no obligation to follow local municipal laws and ordinances. That needs to change.

WHAT CAN I DO? - Senator Bucco, Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carrol and Assemblyman Bucco Jr. have jointly sent a letter to NJ Transit asking for revisions but we need to push hard to keep the billboard from being erected. They have also express the Legislature to consider making the state adapt to local ordinances but we need more. Many residents have told me they will boycott NJ Transit and any advertisers on the proposed sign. Make sure NJ Transit knows that when you contact them.

Contact them (you can use the contact link on the below pages)

Senator Bucco

Assemblyman Carroll

Assemblyman Bucco, Jr

Write NJ Transit & tell them you don't want billboards along Route 80 in Morris County

The Honorable James Weinstein

Executive Director, NJ Transit

One Penn Plaza East

Newark, NJ 07105-2246


View Proposed Billboard in Denville in a larger map