The Town Council was recently given a presentation from Kristin Pamperin of the Urban Muse and Denvile Chamber of Commerce regarding the potential of a Farmer's Market in Denville. This would occur on Sunday's during the summer.
Overall a Farmer's Market seems to have more positive effect on our community that any negative. At a recent council meeting, questions were asked about parking, police concerns, and traffic but I believe all departments have agreed it won't be a major concern especially if there is a trial run for a short period. The event should also help our downtown businesses.
At last evening's Town Council Meeting, the Town Council introduced a well documented ordinance allowing Denville to have a Farmers Market. This ordinance is properly worded to only allow official farmed produce and food. The ordinance will move on to the Planning Board for approval then back to the Council for final. The organizers also mentioned how there would be a table for a local Denville organization and local shop each week.