Our Town Council establishes liaison's to various committees and town groups. This year one of the groups I am liaison to is the Board of Education. I feel it's an important one because so much of our tax dollar is allocated to our schools. However, I am the liaison and not a member of the Board of Education so I believe in letting them do their thing. However, I will always try and be a voice for the education of our kids as well as being mindful of the costs associated with education. The BOE is also forming a Communications Committee to help keep information flowing to residents.
The Board of Education will also soon begin its budget process. At the end of last year the Board had a special session to educate all of us on the budget process. It's important for us to know how the budgets are prepared and what areas of the budget we have the most control of. I'm still constantly disheartened by the enormity of state restrictions on so many of our budgets. However, we still have to be very mindful and efficient to the areas we can control.
Take at the look at this presentation on the Board of Education Website.