I had a the opportunity to attend the first meeting of the Morris County Freeholders this week. Many dignitaries were in attendance including Governor-Elect Chris Christie who swore in the re-elected Freeholders. I also had a chance to share an elevator ride with him. Although we didn't really talk too much because he was being briefed on the evening ahead by his aides, it was great that he attended. Even though he had no idea who I was he did give me a big "hello" and "good to see you".
I do think the Morris County freeholders have done a good job. Especially last year when despite a huge decrease in revenue from the slowed real estate transactions and construction, the county freeholders did not increase the county tax. They have also pledged the same for this year, even hinting at a possible decrease. This has all been done with fiscal conservatism and not with financial gimmicks or tricks. They did it with efficient cuts, not devastating slashes of services or raiding surpluses.
I hope our Denville Town Council can use a similar approach. I can't promise a zero tax increase in Municipal taxes but I will do my best to push our Mayor and Administration to be continually cost-conscious. And as council person, I will work to approve a reasonable and responsible budget for our town to function.